Who We Are
LiRWOCA Background
Environmental, Human Rights and Gender Organization (LIRWOCA) is a non-governmental, nonpartisan, non-profit making, organization advocating for environmental justice, human rights and gender equality and equity for all nationally and internationally. Since its inception in 2020, LiRWOCA has evolved remarkably and has become renowned for being an organization strengthening other civil societies and improving the livelihoods of local communities using a participatory and holistic approach. The main achievement has been in “…changing people’s lives through giving them a voice to influence changes politically, socially, economically and environmentally”. Currently the organization has staff with multi-disciplinary expertise in agriculture, nutrition, law, human resources, gender, sociology, environment, project management, monitoring and evaluation, fundraising, financial management and marketing among other. The organization also believes that successful engagements is also critical with the government ministries, agencies and corporations as well as local partners and stakeholders because climate change and its impact require a collaborated and coordinated approach in order for appropriate and meaningful adaptation and mitigation to take place. The organization has further learned from its engagements and best practices for raising awareness and engaging the public and partners and has develop the following approaches and tools to use that can also be used by other communities to follow up on climate change activities.
Our Vision
To ensure that every women benefits equal participation and equal access to climate and environmental education and its related activities including mitigation, adaptation, smart agriculture and its impact on their health.
Our Objective
LiRWOCA objective is to promote environmental conservation, enhancement and sustainable use of natural resources and to improve livelihoods of the poor in response to climate change and other factors. In addition, to advocate for human rights, gender equity and equality.
Our Mission
Our mission is to support women to achieve their full potential by encouraging, enabling and facilitating their active involvement in climate change activities in mitigation and adaptation.
We do this by:
- Going in the communities to meet with women leaders as well as organizing focus group discussion on climate change, health, and gender issues.
- Organizing massive awareness and sensitization meeting for women in rural communities on climate change, health and gender.
- Encouraging them to have interest in climate change mitigation and adaptation solution implementation, health and gender activities.
- Changing the perception of the rural women on how they see and understand climate change and gender issue, if possible influencing their norms or culture when it comes to climate change, health and gender related issues.